Our Mission

The Mission of Torch Light Residential is to create an environment that can inspire hope and trust in the individuals and families we serve. We will strive to provide exceptional service to our diverse community. We will embrace each other’s differences and provide a setting of inclusion, safety, comfort, and compassion that one can only feel from home.


Torch Light Residential provides around-the-clock services in the community, 365 days a year, to individuals with various intellectual disabilities. Our focus and mission are to deliver exceptional services to enhance the activity of daily living (ADL) in a setting that stands out amongst the rest. This service offers an alternative to independent living and some long-term care facilities by providing inclusion and maximizing daily living in a normal home setting.

Some of our services include Community mentors (also known as IDN services), In-home services, Person Care, live-in caregivers, Respite services (in and out of home), Transportation, and others. All supports are tailored towards the needs and well-being of the individuals we serve. All staff members are fully trained/ certified medical professionals that have worked in the community 10 plus years and have direct patient care experience.

This is why Torch light residential staff understands first-hand the importance of providing programs/ assistants to enhance the safety and quality of the life of our residents. As medical professionals we value the individuals whom we serve, the families they represent and their diversity.